Saturday 25 June 2011

The Queen of procrastination

 I have been meaning to write a blog for ages but just never got round to it, usually because something frivolous and/or shiny distracted me or I just couldn't be arsed at the time so I put it off for yet another day, hence why I am the Queen of Procrastination.

Unfortunately I procrastinate about pretty much everything in my life, and yes I admit it is mostly because I am lazy, but that's not the only reason; I am also incredibly indecisive and I get 'the fear'. In terms of writing a blog, I get 'the fear' as I am scared to unleash my writing on the world, which is ironic considering I want to be a writer! Yes I am an aspiring writer who is scared to let people read her writing.

I haven't really written much since uni, well that's not exactly true, I have written quite a bit, what I should have said is; I haven't completed anything since uni. I have a pile of unfinished projects and in my opinion they are all a bit pants! I'm also an all or nothing kinda gal and when I get bitten by the writers bug I slog it out but once the effects wear off I don't write anything for months and I always seem to find some excuse as to why I can't continue writing.

Can I conquer my fear, stop procrastinating and be strict with myself and actually get on with some writing? Well that remains to be seen...

1 comment:

  1. I know just how you feel. But together we can do it! x
