Tuesday 19 July 2011

Snot Bubble

Snot Bubble

I HATE SNOT!!! I mean I really HATE it!!!

I always seem to have a permanent cold. In fact I’m beginning to think that perhaps I'm part snot monster?! You’d think with the amount of snot I have produced lately I would have shrivelled up, however I just seem to be mass producing the stuff and it’s totally gross. So if anyone would like some of my snot I have plenty to go round.

I know I’m whinging and moaning but I hate being ill and I always seem to catch the lurgy at the most inconvenient times, like when I was a kid I’d always be ill in the holidays or on weekends, which sucked. You’d think with my constant battle with the dreaded snot that by now we would have reached some sort of compromise and I would accept the snot if it would only occur as and when there was an event I really wanted to get out of. But no, it doesn’t work like that.

Being ill is horrible as not only do you feel crappy and miserable but it’s also very lonely. The first sign of a sneeze and suddenly no one wants to be your friend anymore. So you sit, unable to move (as it hurts too much if you do) for hours on end with only your snot for company….Achooo! Excuse me.

Boredom is another annoying factor of being ill. I have an incredibly low tolerance to boredom at the best of times, so this time round I have decided to be productive with my time. I have devised an evil plan where I infect all you lovely people with the plague and then we can all keep each other company and I never have to be bored again.  Erm, did I say ‘evil’ plan? I meant to say ‘good/ nice/ kind’ plan where I just give you all a little dose of my germs as I’m a lovely, sharing person…mwahahaha <cough> hahaha <cough> hahaha <cough> hahaha!

Did I mention that every part of my personage aches, and I mean EVERY PART! So methinks I’m going to have to stop typing now. Blub, sob, whimper, cry, cough, sneeze, snot bubble. :o(

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